Instructions on How to be safe on the bush
The New Zealand bush is a great place to explore. To have fun you also have to be aware of dangers. Here are my instructions to have fun and be safe.
Step 1. Planning your Trip
Tell to yourself, have I got the right gear? Do I know where I’m going, have I checked how the weather is going be? Do I know how long it will take to get to the location, have I packed a shelter or tent for incase if it does rain? Have I got permission to be on that land, but remember, a good camp is a fun camp!
Step 2.Tell someone
Your safety is your responsibility so tell someone (a person that you trust) your plans for the trip and put a date for when to raise the alarm if someone from your group hasn't
Step 3.Be aware of the weather
New Zealand's weather can be hard to notice if you haven’t checked the forecast, so check it and believe that the weather will change. Build a shelter near if you think the weather is going turn bad
Step 4.Know your limit
Make sure you know how far you're going to walk, bike or run because if you run, bike or walk too far you’ll end up breathless. Ask your group if there up to this level or if they have any medical conditions.
Step 5.Take sufficient supplies
If you don’t take sufficient supplies things can go to amazing to worst. Pack an aid packet for in case if someone gets injured or has a bad cold.
Very good, looks like you covered most things