Monday, 24 June 2013

Camp Kaitawa (Kayaking)

Here is my moment in time story, kayaking was really fun! It looked really exciting and it was! Have fun reading it.

WALT choose words that describe a moment (in an exciting way) for the reader
  • begins in the action
  • present tense (I am, not I was)
  • short, sharp sentences
  • strong verbs
  • language features (simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphor)
  • show personality (sounds like you, humour, feelings, exaggeration)

Splash,Splash,Splash, goes the paddles in and out of the water. “Run away from David, I mean paddle away from David” I said. We were paddling away from David (Teva’s dad) because he was in (for Tag). Bump, went the Kayak against Josh's kayak and he got stuck in 1/2 a rectangular prism in the water. He couldn't get out until he finally got out and paddled again.“Paddle slower because you’re getting me wet” said Cam, “My butts wet!” I groan. “Lets paddle over there, not there your paddling us to shore” said Cameron. “Oh man!...”  Cam looks at me “ You have to paddle us away from shore now because you paddled us over here in the first place” said Cam. “ OK, OK, OK” I said, all of a sudden a loud pitch of the whistle blows “Come on in now,other people want to have a turn so paddle back.” Cam and I were staying where we were and then the whistle blew again so we had to go back to shore, “My butt’s sooo wet from kayaking” I moan. 10 minutes later.......   “Yeahhh!” I said, I’m kayaking again but with Elijah this time!” “Left, right, left, right, left, right go right now, no no no!” said Elijah “lets go over there were Dylan and Marcus or Inderpreet. “I going to sleep OK Elijah” I said “OK”......  30 Seconds later....  Suddenly I heard a high pitch noise “Huh, what, where!” I thought I heard Elijah scream like a girl but it was the whistle! “Time to come back into shore people” Mr M said. Whizz went my feet when I slipped on the Kayak. Some of us carry the Kayaks back. We leave for Camp. “That was fun!!!!” I said to Dylan, “Next year will be fun also.”


  1. Oh very cool, Tyrone. You brought back the Nek Minute joke! Very cool use of Comic Life.

    Your writing has excellent vocabulary, good humour and captures your moments in the kayak well.

  2. Very interesting description of the Kayaking.

  3. Cool story Tyrone, the times is really voice full and I beileve you didn't get a long turn.

    Great writing.

    (Neck minute, you are not getting to go again.Just joking.). ;-)

  4. Wow Tyrone I like how you did Neck minute it really shows that the story is interesting!!!
    Keep it up!!!

  5. This so cool Tyrone, I like how you put a little comic at the end, sorry to tell you but you can't go to camp
    Kaitawa with the school next year, but you might go to camp Mountain Vally and you will definitely go to year 6 camp!


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