Friday, 29 August 2014

2nd Production Reflection

Production Reflection
Wednesday 27th August 2014, all the Yr 4,5’s and 6’s had a production to do at 6:30pm. There were 4 legends, room 11 and 20 (that’s us) was the last group to do the “LEGEND OF TE MATA O RONGOKAKO”. I was in the back row of the carvers who were in the front of the rest. We heard the starting group of the play start talking. The curtains opened and the play began.

I was feeling pretty nervous before the play started and seeing all those people made me worry but then I realized that I’ve been practising so I should do well. When we finished doing our play, I was glad and really tired.

I thought the play went really well but we had some errors and people secretly getting in trouble but I thought everyone did a good job on the production.

I need to work on my expression,  being less worried and the kapa haka the rest was just all goods.

Friday, 22 August 2014

How New Zealand Formed Into Islands
Our class have been creating some story birds of a myth we wrote. My myth is about how Maui fished up the North Island, it's also about how the South Island of NZ was formed. (Click on the link above to read my story bird)

The Production

Production Reflection
On 27th of August 2014 Nga Rakau Nui is performing a production in the hall at half past 6. Room 20’s and 11’s production is about how Te Mata Peak was formed.

I am feeling pretty nervous about the production because I may mess up when I’m acting to Kotahitanga.

I am worried about how I will act when it’s just my turn to talk.

I am feeling confident about standing in the front of the carvers and practising in front of some people will make me more confident.

I am excited about doing Kotahitanga with a patu (cardboard) and watching Rongokako die at the end of our production.

I still need to work on saying “Kiora, we are the carvers the makers of tools for hunting and warfare” a bit louder and with more expression.
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